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citiZEN "I am so grateful for this
magical journey we’ve shared. From the bottom of my heart, I thank
Dear current user of CitizenX.com: The beta period of CitizenX.com is over and we are shutting down the site on January 15. For directions on how to save your guestbook and weblog, click here. To all who have been a part of our family during this 1.5 year beta period, THANK YOU. It has been amazing. But it is time for CX to shut down and evolve. This is not a bad thing. It is part of natural progression. Our grand digital experiment has gone as far as it can under its current setup. It is time to evolve or die. Like the Phoenix, we hope to do both.
CitizenX was like a bonfire at the beach. We invited a few friends, who invited a few friends. It was intimate and loving. During the last year and a half, countless magical moments happened dancing around the flames. Other people noticed the light of our fire and came over to check it out. Most who dropped by were like-minded souls. But some were buzz kills. They would ogle the women and make them feel uncomfortable. They started arguments. They made the party feel less safe. Since this was a party on a public beach, it became near impossible to police it. The jerks were rare, but it only takes one to ruin the vibe. Many of the original partiers left. Many of the women put baggy sweaters over their bikinis to avoid the leering. There was still much fun and good vibes to be shared, but it took effort. It took a tough skin to deal with the occasional bad seed trolling the bonfire. The party continues to grow. Despite it all, much magic happens around our glowing fire. As 2001 came to a close, we realized we were out of wood. The number of people who volunteered to gather logs and kindling was inspiring. It became clear that amidst all the 140,000 member craziness was a core of passionate people that truly cared about our community. They saw our community as more than a place to see chicks or act tough to compensate for real life insecurities. There is a group of people who, like me, saw this place as their home. So we’re gonna extinguish the fire. And we’re gonna invite some of those passionate people inside, by the gated pool. We’ll see what happens when we close the door and start from scratch.
We’ll still have public bonfires: (Lounges where anyone can broadcast or hang out.) But much of the new “gated” site will only be accessible to the new “Citizens.” Citizenship will be by invite or by application. The community, hopefully, will grow slowly and purposefully. What happens from there is uncertain.
((hug)) If you have been a casual user of the site, I hope you understand why we must do this. And I hope to exchange ((hugs)) at a bonfire in the near future. If you are one of the passionate who calls CX home, you should be getting an invitation shortly. (**If you fear you have been mistakenly overlooked, check the bottom of this email) Regardless, I hope to see you at
a weekly HugNation
Hug. I am so grateful for this magical journey we’ve shared. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. With love, -Halcyon
for a discussion about this evolution, click here. **Obviously there are not web statistics for “passion” or “heart.” So the way we selected the founding Citizens was less-than-perfect. It is very possible we mistakenly overlooked you. If you would like to be considered for a founding Citizen position, email citizen2002@styn.net with your CX username in the subject and a brief explanation of who you are within the CX community.