Getting Started at Globalgasm:

This is an event for PARTICIPANTS. Not spectators. This is not a show, it is focussed, world-wide intent. We are all here to feed off each others' sexual energy. We are here to heal the planet. PLEASE read the links and text at

1) Setting Up Your Image

- If you don't have a cam, you can use a default image. Click on your profile, then your "video" tab. and copy and paste this in the FTP field:

- If you'd like to use your own image, or your webcam to show up on the bottom frame, you'll need to sign up (it's free) on as a Registered Guest. Under your Video controls in your profile, you can put the image location (url) of a small picture (under 10k). If you have a refreshing FTP webcam, you can set it up there, as well. If you have time, download KoolKam software and stream your video (check the FAQs) If you get here early, you can get help in KoolKam's Lounge.

2) The Gathering

From 7:45 to 8:30, The audio from TheRealHouse living room will be live as Halcyon and crew explain the event and set the mood. CLICK HERE to launch the live audio and hear what this is all about. (if you miss the explanation, try the text & links on

After that, you'll hear the audio from Halcyon's room. The music playing will be the unoffical soundtrack. We can all be listening to the same music (and occasional panting) at once.


3) Gasming

There is no "ending time" to Globlagasm.

For kicks, we're gonna try to give 9pm as a target time for 'gasming. This is just a goal for those that requested it.

The energy flows all night long! 'Gasm all you like. Lots of people return to the chatroom after they've added their energy top the mix and then change their chatroom name to "Username-gasmed." We invite everyone to hang out and share in the post-gasm rush. (But, honestly, the majority of people pass out soon after.)


If you are confused as to the "why?" of Globalgasm, check the links and text at


